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Make a Donation to The Friends

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And Join The Friends!

Library of the Chathams is here for you providing resources and services to our community. Unfortunately, municipal dollars alone cannot provide the services and technology that make our library outstanding. It is through the generous donations from the Chatham Community and people like you that Friends of the Library is able to continue funding all of those extraordinary extras!

Here’s how your donations to Friends of the Library are utilized:

  • Art shows and exhibitions
  • Children and Adult Summer Reading Program
  • Completely revised and expanded bi-monthly newsletter
  • Downloadable eBooks for your own device
  • Educational software for the Children’s Room
  • Expanded free museum passes program
  • iPads pre-loaded for patrons to check out
  • Musical instrument loaner program
  • On-line interactive classes for languages and computer skills
  • Reading Program for Visually & Physically Impaired

With your generosity, we hope to not only continue to provide the subsidy for all of these services but to increase them as well, particularly in the Children/Young Adult Programs, Adult Education, and the enhancement of the ever-advancing technology of the library. But we cannot do it without you!

“Library of the Chathams is a community asset that my family and I love to use…from reserving the latest best-selling book or movie, to enjoying the Children’s programs or borrowing a musical instrument.  The Library has something for everyone! Donations from the Friends make it all possible.” Ellen Schell, Borough Resident

Please renew your membership or join the Friends today with your tax-deductible contribution. Friends of the Library is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization run by volunteers. With your donation, as a Chatham resident, you will receive an invitation to our “FRIENDS MEMBERS ONLY” Book Sale Preview each March.

On behalf of the entire Friends of the Library Board, we extend a sincere thank you for your continued loyalty and support.



Donate to Friends of the Library While You Shop
If you shop on, the AmazonSmile program donates 0.5% of your eligible purchases on Amazon to a charity of your choice. All you need to do is start your shopping at and designate Friends of the Library of the Chathams as your charity.

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