Get A Card
If you do not currently have a library card and you live, work, or go to school in Chatham, you can register for a card through the online catalog. If you’d like to come in to fill out your registration in person, find out what you need to bring here.
If you have any questions, call the library at 973-635-0603 or email
Please remember to bring your ID and proof of residency with you when you come in. If you are getting a courtesy card, we need proof of employment in the Chathams.
**Only the person whose name is on the account may pick up the library card because you will need to show us id and sign both the registration card and your library card.
If you are the parent or legal guardian of a child who is eligible for a library card and you cannot stop in to sign the registration, you may use this permission form to allow another responsible individual to register your child for a card.