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December/January Gift Books Published on: February 13, 2014

Gift Books Purchased

Each month a number of books and media are purchased from funds donated by Friends of the Library and other generous donors.  In December 2017 and January 2018 the following items were added to the collection:


Friends of the Library

333.95 SEA American Seafood: Heritage, Culture, & Cookery from Sea to Shining Sea
641.5 PAG Kitchen Creativity: Unlocking Culinary Genius-with Wisdom, Inspiration, and Ideas from the World’s Most Creative Chefs
641.514 DUF WD-50: The Cookbook
641.59297 SHE The Sioux Chef’s Indigenous Kitchen
641.594 KAH Cheers to the Publican Repast and Present: Recipes and Ramblings from an American Beer Hall
641.5959 YEN Night + Market: Delicious Thai Food to Facilitate Drinking and Fun-Having Amongst Friends
641.5973 LAN America: The Cookbook
641.5979 BRI State Bird Provisions: A Cookbook
641.815 MCD The Fearless Baker: Simple Secrets for Baking Like a Pro
704.9 SWE Sweat of Their Faces: Portraying American Workers
709.04 ING The Secret World of Renaldo Kuhler
709.04 MAD Women Artists in Paris 1850-1900
709.51 KAT Hokusal: Beyond the Great Wave
728.5 HAV Out of Season: The Vanishing Architecture of the Wildwoods
743.6 ART Art of the Dinosaur: Illustrations by the Top Paleoartists in the World
791.457 DAR Frasier: A Cultural History
811.54 BUR Advice from the Lights: Poems
OVE 051 FIF 50 Years of the Rolling Stone
OVE 769.9 ROS Prints in Paris 1900: From Elite to the Street


Gift of Sharon Bigelow In Memory of Alexander Butta

JFICTION ROW Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban


In Memory of Lester Daniell

811.54 AMM Complete Poems of A.R. Ammons Vols. 1 & 2


 Presented by the Eigen Family

391.009 ANT Items: Is Fashion Modern?
700.973 GRO Art of Confession: The Performance of Self from Robert Lowell to Reality TV
704.949 ORI Art of Football: The Early Game in the Golden Age of Illustration
708.0092 HOP Dream Colony: A Life in Art
709.04 BAU Delirious: Art at the Limits of Reason 1950-1980
747 DEV New York: Behind Closed Doors
770.92 KES The Many Lives of Erik Kessels
779 ROG Firecrackers: Female Photographers Now
779.092 SHA Exist Otherwise: The Life and Works of Claude Cahun
818.5402 SED David Sedaris Diaries: A Visual Compendium
823.7 FRA Frankenstein: The First Two Hundred Years
OVE 712.5 OUD Gardens of the High Line: Elevating the Nature of Modern Landscapes
OVE 730.92 GOL Andy Goldsworthy: Projects
OVE 741.5973 WAR Monograph
OVE 751.53 MAT Street Art: Famous Artists talk about Their Vision
OVE 779 WES Bystander: A History of Street Photography
OVE 779.2 LEI Annie Leibovitz Portraits: 2005-2016
OVE 779.9 GRE Generation Wealth


In Memory of Grace Doherty Gonzalez

811.008 GOL Golden Shovel Anthology: New Poems Honoring Gwendolyn Brooks
861.62 GAR Poet in Spain


In Memory of Caroline Hontz

635 SCH Garden Renovations: Transform Your Yard into the Garden of Your Dreams
LP 328.73 CLI What Happened
LP 523.01 TYS Astrophysics for People in a Hurry
LP FIC WIN Before We Were Yours


Gift of the Independent Thrift Shop

391.009 COX World Atlas of Street Fashion
728.7 MUL Family Cabin: Inspiration for Camps, Cottages, and Cabins


Gift of the Leffingwell Science Fund

510.9 BAL Wonders Beyond Numbers: A Brief History of All Things Mathematical


In Memory of John B. Westcott, Jr.

940.53 KIX Saboteur: The Aristocrat Who Became France’s Most Daring Anti-Nazi Commando
940.54 FRY London Cage: Secret History of Britain’s World War II Interrogation Centers
940.54 HAN Second World Wars: How the First Global Conflict Was Fought and Won
940.5423 HIN Destination Casablanca: Exile, Espionage, and the Battle for North Africa in World War II
940.5486 MUN Code Girls: The Untold Story of the American Women Code Breakers of World War II


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