Up in the April Skies Published on: May 22, 2020
It’s a little after 12 noon, April 28, 2020, a firefighter is up 100 feet up in the air, with the wind whistling around him. After climbing to the top of the aerial ladder of a Madison firetruck, as high as it could go, he scans the skies to see any sign of the Navy’s Blue Angels and the Thunderbirds of the Air Force, flying in formation. Whoa – two faint streams of white can be seen in the distance, … Continue reading
Cherish the Rainbows Published on: April 13, 2020
The evening sky of Tuesday, April 8, 2020 was a soft blue with streaks of wispy clouds. The pink full moon of April would soon rise. A crowd of First Responder vehicles gathered in the parking lot of the Lawton C. Johnson Middle School in Summit, NJ. They were preparing for a “virtual hug” to some very appreciated people. The emergency vehicles, in parade formation, proceeded with lights flashing and sirens beeping towards nearby Overlook Medical Center. Residents along the … Continue reading
Chatham Tough Published on: April 7, 2020
We Chathamites treasure happy memories of 4th of July celebrations, Fishawack Festivals, holiday gatherings at the Gazebo, CHS victories in sports. However, sadder memories exist in the shadows – one of a mother on my street, along with other parents, having to walk to the Chatham telegraph office (now the Taste of Asia restaurant) during World War II to receive telegrams informing them that their sons serving in the military had been killed in action. Members of Chatham’s American Legion … Continue reading